Residents of Solar Space
Residents of Solar Space explores and questions our relationship to the sun.
The project creates a new narrative combining scientific knowledge, materials and design to encourage a healthier and more sustainable life under the sun.
Residents of Solar Space opens the broader social debate on how we interact with the sun and our health, and offers tangible alternatives in the quest for a healthy, happy and sustainable life under the sun.
MONOLOGUE OF A BEACH TOWEL - a closer look at the changing relationship between sun and skin
‘Monologue of a Beach Towel’ a framing video work, explores and discusses the sub-theme of sun and skin in depth. The video brings together the frictions surrounding the theme in an accessible way. Using a beach towel as the narrator, the video explores the systemic influences that have shaped the current relationship between sun and skin. The beach towel as protagonist highlights the role of material culture in our relationship to the sun.
excerpt from "Monologue from a Beach Towel," full video in highres and with audio on request.OBJECTS - alternative approaches and materials in a new awareness to the sun
Too much sunlight can be a danger to our health, but so can a deficiency. In response, we smear ourselves with chemicals or reach out to the pharmaceutical industry for nutritional supplements to make up for our lack of sunlight. In contrast, Kato proposes alternative approaches and materials into a new awareness to the sun.

A sun blanket emphasizes time as a crucial factor in seeking the sun.
An integrated sundial provides insight into vitamin D production and
shows how long you can be unprotected in the sun based on
the current uv index and your skin type.

The blanket incorporates a UV-sensitive and UV-stable yarn.
The natural pigment carotene discolors in a relatively short
period of time under the influence of the sun. When exposed
to sunlight, the color of this yarn will fade, changing the
pattern and increasing in contrast. It emphasizes the power
of the sun over time.

The dynamic between humans and the sun changes through the seasons. In autumn, we get outside less, and when we do, it is with a lot of skin covered to keep us warm. However, it is recommended to spend half an hour daily outside with enough skin uncovered for enough vitamin D. PLA is UV-transparent. The sweater made of PLA keeps us warm while adequately exposing us to sunlight.

A label - like the known labels in clothing - informs about the materials and use in relation to the sun through text and icons.
Additionally, an archival website ︎︎︎ captures a broad exploration of our relationship to the sun.
The website documents the manifestation of the sun at different scales and within various themes: sun and earthly conditions, sun and energy, technology, time, and sun and skin. These sub-themes uncover relevant challenges for the design discipline and provide an initial exploration in the design project. Throughout the design process, this website served as a tool to capture, communicate and enrich insights. By making the research accessible to other designers, the knowledge this research brings together can be further expanded.
The website documents the manifestation of the sun at different scales and within various themes: sun and earthly conditions, sun and energy, technology, time, and sun and skin. These sub-themes uncover relevant challenges for the design discipline and provide an initial exploration in the design project. Throughout the design process, this website served as a tool to capture, communicate and enrich insights. By making the research accessible to other designers, the knowledge this research brings together can be further expanded.